The idea is that everybody of us willing to do so WRITES here below her/his proposal(s) (name of the network and short explanation/comment) until the 30th of April 2012. In May we will democratically vote for 'electing' which will be the official name of our network for the years to come ;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Urban ID network

Date: 08/05/2012 | By: Johanna


Could it be without repeating the urban twice Urban_ID: the Identities and Diversities?

Re: Urban ID network

Date: 30/08/2012 | By: Giovanna

I like 'Identities and Diversities' as meaning of ID, also because if thinking about the usual immediate meaning of ID (Identification) it could be read as a sort of provocation: generally attached to 'national' (i.e. national ID card) and to the imposed necessity of being documented/registered/identified it is the sort of document many migrants lack for being entitled to full citizenship/residenceship... hence our Urban_ID vs standard National_ID sounds great for our field of enquiry

Name of the website

Date: 27/04/2012 | By: Maysa Ayoub

I like DiverCity, I think it well represent the idea

Network name

Date: 10/09/2012 | By: Samson Ogunyemi

I think I prefer Urban_ID... sounds catchy!!!

network name

Date: 14/09/2012 | By: Caroline Rozenholc

I gave my voice to "urban faces"!! Faces could stand for urban landscape and people-users-dwellers. It's, as well, a bit different than what we usually see...

cheers to all of you!!

the name

Date: 16/09/2012 | By: Alina Cibea

Hi, I voted for might be often used, but for me it's still the one that captures best the idea of the network.

my vote

Date: 17/09/2012 | By: Carlotta

Hi! I voted for Urban_ID. I found last Giovanna's argument very convincing (urban id vs. national id). Sorry if I'm late... I forgot the deadline!

Re: my vote

Date: 17/09/2012 | By: Ifigeneia

I agree with Carlotta's previous comment and Giovanna's reasoning, of course. This urban vs. national is indeed related to current discussions on urban citizenship, the 'right to the city' idea, etc.
I voted for Urban_ID me too!

Voting for Urban_ID

Date: 18/09/2012 | By: Emanuel

I am changing my vote from MixCity to Urban_ID.
On a different note, I think it would have been easier voting if we had a polling app in the website. This is for future reference because it is probably too late to put up an app for the current vote.


Date: 09/06/2013 | By: Ifgeneia

Hello to all and sorry for this solate reaction to voting, etc.
I did not vote, because I forgot it :-( I am really sorry for this!!!
However, there is sth I do not understnd! I think that your voting has clearly showed the preference or Urban_ID, as far as I can see from the results in the far-right column.
Then why does our network in the frontpage of he website is called DiverCiy network anyway? Is there sth I missed? It's true that I diappeared for a long ime, but in any case I did not receive any communication from the netwok fo almost a year...

Hope you are all doin well!

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